Pricing that suits any needs

Simple price for our 10 first customers, everything unlimited !

Unlimited features for our first 10 customers

Billed Annually
Start for free
Unlimited rooms
Unlimited users
Unlimited templates
Unlimited playbooks
Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
Get started
3 active projects
Up to 10 blocks
Team management
Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
Get started
3 active projects
Up to 10 blocks
Team management
API integrations
Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
Get started
3 active projects
Up to 10 blocks
Team management
API integrations
Password protection
Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
Get started
3 active projects
Up to 10 blocks
Team management
API integrations
Password protection
CSV export

Got questions?

Privacy & Security

Does Fiit store personal data?
Fiit is totally GDPR compliant. We do not process or store any kind of personal data.
Where are stored Fiit data?
Fiit data is stored only in your Salesforce.

Free Trial

Do you offer free trial?
Yes, we offer a 30 days free trial period during which you can benefit from all Fiit features.
Do I need to put my credit card?
No, credit card is not required in order to start a 30 days free trial.
What features are included in free trial?
Absolutely everything


How can I subscribe to Fiit?
Once you have installed the package, you have a button to upgrade your account